Wait. Hemp is Legal?
“Hemp Bound is the best book of the year…Doug Fine has created a blueprint for the America of the future.”
–Willie Nelson
Since Hemp Bound was published just three weeks ago, four more states have legalized hemp cultivation. And not just those you might call the usual suspect states: we’re talkin’ Nebraska, Indiana, South Carolina and Tennessee. This on top of federal authorization of hemp research in this year’s Farm Bill. Heck, the DEA just turned over 286 pounds of hemp seed to Kentucky farmers. When did all this good governing start happening?
Hemp Bound proposes, through two years of worldwide field research, that these developments are important for humanity. If you agree, to spread the message to your peeps and keep the momentum going, please join a big one day rankings push.
Simply order your (or your third, or your colleague/boss/employee/aunt’s) copy of Hemp Bound any time today (Thursday) by clicking here. Or go to: http://amzn.to/1oefJsZ
(For people who like to support indie bookstores, so do I. This is to send a message that hemp is here to stay. Thanks for the indulgence.)
As a father who’d like to bequeath a livable climate, I send this Dispatch with massive thanks. In addition to hoping you’ll spread this missive far and wide by all media known (from Facebook to the platforms too hip for me to know about yet), one other request: while on Amazon please write lots of five star comments.
Now, I often miss these kind of one-day pushes and wonder, “Um. It’s Saturday. Should I still order it?” I checked, and the answer is, “Yes.”
On the live event side of things, at http://dougfine.com/events you can check out where the Hemp Bound live event, with its playbook for reviving the hemp economy, is coming to your community. At every one of the dozen tour stops so far, some entrepreneurs, farmers or processors have approached me about bringing the tri-cropping ideas expressed in Hemp Bound into the real world economy. (Tri-cropping, you’ll see in the book, is utilizing one hemp harvest for three applications: seed oil, fiber and energy.)
One of these events (complete with slide show, a 1735 hemp bound book an audience member brought, and my tales of taking a hemp-powered limo ride) was taped by C-Span. The first airing is at: http://www.c-span.org/video/?318921-1/book-discussion-hemp-bound
Even I can’t believe this is all really happening. Not to this extent. Not this fast. How did it go from the dream of my college roommate with the lava lamp to federal policy? I’m just grateful. So are American farmers. One hemp pioneer I followed in the book, Ryan Loflin, is clear about what hemp’s return means.
“It takes half the water that wheat does,” the 41-year-old Coloradan told me, scooping up a handful of drought-scarred soil so parched and sandy it evoked the Sahara. “And provides four times the income. Hemp is going to revive farming families in the climate change era.”
Also excited are my own Funky Butte Ranch goats, as you can see in the photo below: they’ll be getting homegrown hemp seed feed very soon, as will I.
-Doug Fine, Funky Butte Ranch, NM
P.S. I don’t even know what to say about this one except thanks to the one and only Willie Nelson, one of my principal role models. Asked to support this Hemp Bound rankings effort, he just Tweeted: Best book o’the year! Launch #HempBound 2 #Top10 on @amazonbooks w/1day push 2day &revive #America thru laughter http://amzn.to/1oefJsZ
Taylor Swift, the Funky Butte Ranch nanny, attempts to take a bite out of an advance copy of Hemp Bound, April, 2014
Geri K says:
June 6, 2014 at 4:45 pm
What a great morning listening to you talk about HEMP BOUND on Coast to coast AM with George Noory. i was glued to every word. One caller asked about could this form of hemp help with certain medical problems your answer was most helpful. Thanks for opening minds and hopefully opening doors to all who are interested in changing our country for the GOOD. Being an older aging fast senior I look for the day when more politicians ears and eyes will be opened to down to earth solutions and companies like Monsanto will not have such power that is sickening so many of us. Chemicals are shortening our lives. Let Hemp help! Again thanks for being on the air it was so beneficial to all of us. Best wishes in all that you do in your life. God bless your goats too.Freddie Arbuthnot says:
July 6, 2014 at 6:56 pm
I saw you on C-span Book TV and went to Amazon and got you on my Kindle. I am in the midst of reading it. I am excited about what can be done with Hemp and as an 80 year old wellness coach and teacher of holistic wellness, if I were 10 years younger I would travel around and promote the farming of hemp. Keep it up.
Jaimie McCallum says:
August 6, 2014 at 9:22 pm
So where can a small town farmer acquire hemp seed? I would love to see this community latch onto the idea of the beauty of all that hemp has to offer.
Nettie Mc Gee says:
October 15, 2014 at 8:01 pm
listened to a speech you gave aired on FSTV. I am a new fan! I want Wisconsin Farmers to benefit from growing hemp,.a great connection for you is Family Farm Defenders.. Plz connect with them.
Ronnie Jenkins says:
December 3, 2014 at 1:39 am
I read you books and I am overjoyed that hemp is coming back. My husband and I presently live in Delaware but are moving out to Washington as soon as we finish things up here.WE have been planning to move there for 3 years,but he had a back injury and had to have 2 operations so we are way behind our schedule. His brother moved out there 14 years ago and we visited and looked at property but things just kept getting in the way. His brother came back here last summer for the first time since he moved out there and while here he unfortunately had a heart attack and died here. He was only here for 2 weeks. Anyway we are still moving out to Washington but we will miss looking forward to being out there with him.