
Hemp Returns to Humanity

Order’s on (below) for the new, must-read, twenty-five-percent hemp-printed 2015 report from the world’s industrial cannabis fields and the digital age industries they are already supplying. By Doug Fine, the acclaimed author of Hemp Bound.





While touring the world in 2014 to speak about his recent worldwide hemp and cannabis research that resulted in the bestseller Hemp Bound, Fine traveled to half a dozen hemp farms, processors and research facilities from Slovenia to Kentucky, Canada to Oregon. The result is this collector’s item of a twenty-page monograph. First one thousand copies include hemp from the 2014 American harvests covered in the monograph. (After that, the hemp is Canadian-grown on the first printing, with thanks to TreeFreeHemp.com.)

Did you know American hemp is on its way to your car battery? Did you know that today, Canadian and Belgian farmers are making five times the per-acre revenue that they were from corn, wheat and soy? Farming communities, prepare for something strange: affluence through local, vertical economies. It’s all covered in Fine’s typically humorous and rigorous from-the-field investigative journalism. Ships about two weeks after ordering, largely because the second legal harvest is underway and we’re all out in hemp fields!

FIRST LEGAL HARVEST: Five hemp farms. Six weeks. One revived industry.Dreaming’s Over: Now it’s Time to Get to Work

And if you haven’t read Hemp Bound

It’s a great companion read, Doug’s book length description of everything hemp, from the traditional uses of the plant through the countries and people leading the industry back across the billion-dollar mark.

Follow Doug on Twitter: @Organiccowboy

Catch or book Doug’s live #FirstLegalHarvest Tour. Info: dougfine.com/events