Join bestselling author, regenerative hemp farmer and goat herder Doug Fine at the NoCo Hemp Expo in Colorado Springs, Colorado March 29-31. Doug’s keynote is titled, “How Your Hemp Enterprise Can Fight Climate Change and Win In the Marketplace.” Stay tuned at for talk, panel and book signing times.
With the release of AMERICAN HEMP FARMER, Doug’s humorous and practical guide to joining the worldwide regenerative hemp farming renaissance, farmer/entrepreneurs are eager to hear how independent farming can once again be a lucrative and climate-mitigating profession in the digital age. And this is a perfect opportunity for in person education in sync with Doug’s regenerative hemp course, also managed by the wonderful folks at Aces USA.. You can register for the online course from anywhere in the world and take it at your own pace at: And when you’ve completed the course, you get a hemp printed certificate. Plus, you’ll be ready to join the regenerative hemp movement in the ground and in the marketplace, whether you’re a home gardener or regenerative entrepreneur.