For the tenth year in a row, Doug Fine will be speaking about achieving critical mass for regenerative hemp polyculture in the marketplace at the legendary NoCo Hemp Expo. This year the event runs April 11-13 in Estes ark, Colorado. Tickets at: Stay tuned here and on Instagram @organiccowboy for Doug’s keynote and panel times.
Doug Fine is a bestselling author, regenerative hemp farmer and New goat herder. His latest book, American Hemp Farmer was nominated as the Santa Fe Reporter’s 2021 Book of the Year. His focus for 15 years has been sustainable living for regular folks, including his Boston Globe bestseller Farewell, My Subaru. Doug has cultivated hemp food for farm-to-table products and seed-building in six U.S. states, and his own hemp seeds have been used to clean soil in a New Mexico university study. In addition to his own crops, he advises clients worldwide on regenerative hemp and polyculture. Willie Nelson calls Doug’s work “a blueprint for the America of the future.” He's appeared on Conan and the Tonight Show, and reported from five continents for NPR. His online hemp course, books and booking contact are at Twitter and Instagram: @organiccowboy